If you have ANY Questions or concerns please contact your artist or Heartache Tattoo Directly
Regular Bandage (Pad)
Leave the bandge on for 6-24 hours
Second Skin
Leave the bandge on for 24 hours
1 (a). Remove/Wash
Remove bandage and Wash throughtly with mild sop and warm water. A Final rinse with ice cold water will seal the tattoo adn prevent it from weeping.
*Pat Dry with clean paper towel or Air Dry
** DO NOT Re-bandage
Peel up an edge or corner of the Second Skin, and slowly pull the film off. Do not pull it straight away from your skin; instead, pull the film back and across the skin while holding your skin taut. Run under Lukewarm water if you need a little help. Then Follow the instructions in Step 1(a).
After another 24-36 hours wash your tattoo again, and allow to air dry for 2-3 hours. Then apply a mild unscented lotion. Work the lotion in thoroughly and remove excess gently.
Apply Lotion sparingly 1-2 times daily.
Continue until healed.
Examples of lotions: -Lubraderm -Aveno -Hustle Butter
3. Healing
Swim, go in a hot tub or bath, suntan, scratch or pick your tattoo.
take care of your tattoo, it is an open wound and needs care and attention.
After 1.5-3 weeks your tattoo will be healed.